Our farmhouse derives its name from the old roman Cassia Vetus path and in fact it
is situated at km. 108,150 on the state road Cassia.
The Cassia path construction goes back to the consulate of Gaio Cassio Longino on 171 b.C.
It became quickly a strategic road as it allowed crossing the old Etruria region and get easily
north. It was constructed through two important rivers, Arno and Tevere, connecting Rome to
Arezzo, and then Florence, and through some main branches, Pistoia and Lucca.
Going back to year 1000, the Francigena road, which started in Canterbury in the direction
of Rome, became a preference itinerary, a main way gone through by hundreds of thousands
of pilgrims heading to the centre of Christianity.
A travel diary written in 994 by Sigerico, Archbishop of Canterbury, while coming back from Rome,
allows us to design the whole itinerary and the various stops of the pilgrims who, coming from
the West Alps, made their way on this road for at least seven centuries.
Nowadays, during the third millennium, we can still identify in this territory memories and signs
of that itinerary which has represented the anticipation of European history.
From the tourist point of view, this area is quite fascinating both on the naturalistic and on the
cultural aspects: a few historical and gorgeous places are very reachable from here,
like Orvieto (20km), Siena (100Km), Viterbo (30Km), Roma (100Km), Monte Argentario (80Km)
and Monte Amiata (50Km). And we need not to forget the beautiful archeological sites of Bolsena,
as well as the basilica of St. Christine, become famous for the Corpus Domini miracle.